“An addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live. Our message is hope and the promise of freedom.”

Basic Text, page 65

KANA Outreach Meeting

Square Dance Center 828 Tulip Avenue, Knoxville

Come out and join us for service on the Outreach committee - helping to ensure local home groups have what they need, and more! Any addict may join us.

KANA H&I Monthly Meeting

Square Dance Center 828 Tulip Avenue, Knoxville

Come and get involved in Hospitals and Institutions! Any addict welcome to participate. Orientations given, some positions involve clean time suggestions and different facilities will have strict requirements.

KANA Area Service Committee (ASC) Meeting

Square Dance Center 828 Tulip Avenue, Knoxville

Open to any addict - come take part in discussion at the area level between home groups' Group Service Representatives (GSRs), Area Trusted Servants, and other participants! 3rd Saturdays at […]